Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia

Like this? Try that...

If you'd like to beat the crowds on your next archaeological adventure, but you still want to experience something magnificent, why not let us make some alternative suggestions? We have a broad range of expert-led tours on offer and there is always a destination to rival the most iconic, which means you might just be able to escape the tourist throng and see something just as enchanting, if not more so...

Like Pompeii? Try Akrotiri...

If you're fascinated by the sprawling site of Pompeii, but would rather explore a place that might be a little less crowded, why not consider Akrotiri in Greece? Situated on the gorgeous island of Santorini, this is known as "the Pompeii of the Aegean" and it's not hard to see why. Destroyed by a catastrophic volcanic eruption in around 1500 BC and buried in ash, the city has retained some impressively well-preserved houses. The drainage systems and complex buildings indicate a once prosperous society, with many successful trade links. 

Click here to view the tour that includes a visit to it.

Like Petra? Try Hegra in Saudi Arabia...

Whether you've been to the awe-inspiring destination of Petra before or you just want to visit something of similar stature, why not consider exploring the Nabatean rock-cut tombs of Hegra in Saudi Arabia? Located in Mada’in Saleh, the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Hegra is remarkable for its Nabatean rock cut monuments, though there are also remains from the Dedanite as well as Roman period. The second most important Nabatean city after Petra, Hegra monopolised the trade of incense and myrrh. There are a staggering 131 monumental tombs on the site, along with 2,000 non-monumental tombs.

Click here to view the tour.

Like Dordogne? Try Scotland's ancient rock art...

If you're tempted to explore some incredible rock art, why not consider heading to Scotland instead of France? Sure, the caves of Dordogne are phenomenal, but there is much to discover in the enchanting Kilmartin Glen. Kilmartin was one of the earliest places in Scotland to be farmed, and it formed a ritual centre that served and connected far-flung prehistoric agricultural communities for thousands of years. The extraordinary concentration of Neolithic and Bronze Age burial monuments, standing stones, and rock art in the glen and surrounding hills testifies to the importance of this area 5,500-3,500 years ago. 

Click here to view the tour.

Like the Valley of the Temples? Try Ephesus...

If you're familiar with Sicily's magnificent Valley of the Temples, we have a feeling you might be interested in exploring Ephesus. This was one of the richest cities in Asia Minor and continued to thrive through the Roman period. Our Aegean Coast of Turkey tour will offer you very special access to the Roman terraced houses, with painted walls and mosaics that are now beautifully restored, as well as an interesting talk from the curator. 

Click here to view the tour.

Like Chichén Itzá? Try Xochicalco...

If the amazing site of Chichén Itzá in Mexico fascinates you, we think you would also enjoy a visit to the site of Xochicalco. Here, you can see pyramids and ball courts that date from the period between the era of Teotihuacan and the Aztecs. They are doubly intriguing, as proof of a continuous tradition that the Aztecs themselves sometimes denied and as evidence for a connection with the Maya, far away to the east, seen in the design of the Feathered Serpent on one of the pyramids and the figures shown seated calmly in its coils. 

Click here to view the tour that visits this site.

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Like this? Try that... was published on 20 August 2020
